Figma Toggle Components

Toggle Components are an important part of a website for making clear decision flows. Toggles are designed with labels and icons to indicate behaviors. Pagedone’s consistent, accessible components enable intuitive experiences and simplify system logic.

Figma Toggle Components

Toggles, sometimes called switches, are user interface controls with two opposite states like ON and OFF. Toggles provide a clear visual signal to users about whether a setting is currently active or inactive.

Figma Toggle Components image

Compared to using two radio buttons, toggles require much less room while accomplishing the same on/off functionality. Their intuitive flip-flop functionality makes them perfect for controlling boolean settings and preferences.

Figma Toggle Components Properties

The toggle component has five total properties that can be customized. The names of these adjustable settings are Size, Text, Sub Text, Click, and State. Designers have the ability to modify things like the overall dimensions, the primary text label, any supplementary subtext, clickability, and the current visual status.

Figma Toggle Components Properties image

Configuring each of these five properties provides comprehensive control for tailoring the appearance and behavior of the toggle elements. These options enable full personalization to ensure the toggles align perfectly with the specific interface design needs.

Figma Toggle Properties: Size

For the size property of the toggle component, there are two size choices available. The first option makes the toggles appear in a compact small size. The second option displays the toggles at a larger medium scale.

Figma Toggle Properties Size image

These two sizes, small and medium, give designers flexibility in determining the overall dimensions of the toggle elements. Selecting the appropriate size allows customizing the toggles to best fit the layout and visual needs of the specific interface design.

Figma Toggle Properties: Text & Sub Text

The toggle element offers text properties that give control over displaying labels. These settings include switches for both primary text and secondary subtext. The main text switch determines if a primary description appears beside the toggle. The subtext switch controls whether additional explanatory text shows below the main label. Enabling these switches adds the respective text, while disabling them removes that text entirely.

Figma Toggle Properties Text & Sub Text image

These text properties provide flexibility to designers. They can choose to display detailed messaging with both labels, or keep the toggle minimal with no accompanying text. Adjusting the main text and subtext switches allows customizing the amount and type of descriptive content to perfectly suit the interface design needs.

Figma Toggle Properties: Click

The toggle component includes a click property that governs the toggling action. This setting provides a switch to enable or disable the ability to toggle on and off. When the click switch is turned on, users can click or tap the toggle to flip between its two states, like flipping a physical switch.

Figma Toggle Properties Click image

Disabling the click switch prevents any toggling interaction, locking the toggle in its current state. This click property gives designers control over whether the toggle should function as an interactive control or remain static. Adjusting this click switch determines if the toggle can provide dynamic on/off toggling or stay locked in place.

Figma Toggle Properties State

The toggle component has three distinct visual states it can display. When user not select any state will show default state. The second state is the hover state, triggered when the user's mouse cursor moves over the toggle control. The third state is the disabled state, which grays out and deactivates the toggle to indicate it is currently unavailable for use.

Figma Toggle Properties State image

These three states - default, hover, and disabled - allow designers to provide clear visual feedback about the toggle's current condition and readiness for interaction. Customizing the appearance in each state communicates important status information to users in an intuitive way.

Figma Toggle Component image

Figma Toggle Components

All components are available in tailwind css also, please check.

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