Tailwind CSS Footer

Effortlessly highlight essential information, including about a product or service, links, subscription forms, social icons, and other key elements, using Pagedone's meticulously crafted Tailwind CSS Footer Section. These designs offer a clear, organized layout that expertly showcases vital details, ensuring a modern, pleasing, and functional footer for your website in Tailwind CSS.

Default Tailwind Footer

Use this example of a footer section divided in five columns with brand logo, desciption, sitemap links and social media accounts.

Five columns with subscribe button

This example of tailwind css footer can be used if you want five columns in your footer with brand logo, sitemap links, description and social media account with additional subscibe button to connect with your website.

Simple centered footer

Use this example for simple footer with horizontal sitemap links, brand logo, and social media accounts.This example can also be used as a tailwind sticky footer.

Tailwind Footer with dark version

This example can be used if you are looking for four column footer in dark version with sitemap links, brand logo, and social media accounts.


Horizontal footer with dark version

Use this example for simple horizontal layout of footer in dark version with brand logo, sitemap links and social media accounts.


Newsletter with address location

Use this example to first show brand logo card, then show address locations of your company, a newsletter sign-up form.


Newsletter form with Pre-footer CTA

Get started with this example with a CTA section before the footer, a sitemap links, the logo of your brand, a newsletter sign-up form, and the copyright notice.


Four columns with address location

You can use this Tailwind Footer example to first show address location of your company with brand logo next to sitemap links.


Pre-footer Newsletter

Use this example with a Newsletter section before the footer, a sitemap, the logo of your brand and social media accounts.


Centered footer with CTA

Use this Tailwind CSS footer compoent for simple footer with center aligned everything and with CTA buttons.


Footer with App buttons

This example can be used if you want add your app buttons of store for download with brand logo, sitemap links and social media accounts.


Four columns with subscribe form

Use this example for four column footer with subscribe form, brand logo, sitemap links and social media accounts.


Standard footer

You can use this example for five column footer with social media accounts, sitemap links, copyright notice and brand logo.


Footer with social media icons

If you want to use colorful social media icons with address location, sitemap links and newsletter.


Footer with gallery

Use this example if you want to add gallery of images into your footer with brand logo, sitemap links and copyright notice.


Horizontal footer

Use this horizontal footer tailwind css example if you want horizontal footer layout side by side, which includes sitemap links, brand logo and social media accounts.


Centered footer with subscribe form

Use this example to center align everything in footer with brand logo, sitemap links and subscribe form.


Dark Footer with newsletter

Use Following Footer for dark vsersion of your website with newsletter, social icons and site links.


Tailwind Footer Template

Following is the Tailwind CSS template for creative footer with contact information like address, email, phone number and a newsletter with social icons and site links.


Creative with CTA buttons

Use Below tailwind css footer example with CTA buttons and site links.


Dark Footer with subscribe form

Use below exmaple of Tailwind CSS Dark Footer with Newsletter Subscription Form with brand logo and site links.


Footer with Member info

Use below footer tailwind template which show number of member who joins the community.


subscribe form in Footer

You can use following subscribe form in your tailwind footer section beside contact information such as email address, phone numbers etc and You can also shows community counts.


Footer with background

Apply background color to your footer to provide immense look of footer area.


Horizontal footer with light version

Use this example for simple horizontal layout of footer in light version with brand logo, sitemap links and social media accounts.


Simple footer with CTA Button

You can use this simple footer as a base for any type of websites. It includes a single CTAs button that you can customize according to your requirement.
