
Tailwind CSS Container

To make an element's width adjust to the current screen size in Tailwind CSS, you can combine responsive utility classes with the max-w-{breakpoint} class.

None width: 100%;
sm (640px) max-width: 640px;
md (768px) max-width: 768px;
lg (1024px) max-width: 1024px;
xl (1280px) max-width: 1280px;
2xl (1536px) max-width: 1536px;

Basic usage

Using the container

The 'container' class makes sure that an element's maximum width is the same as the minimum width of the current breakpoint. This is helpful if you want to design for a specific range of screen sizes instead of trying to adapt to a constantly changing screen size.

Please remember that Tailwind's container is different from other frameworks in that it does not automatically center itself and does not have any pre-set horizontal spacing.

<div class="container mx-auto">
        <!-- ... -->

To add horizontal padding, use the 'px-{size}' utilities:

<div class="container mx-auto px-4">
        <!-- ... -->

If you'd like to center your containers by default or include default horizontal padding, see the customization options below.

Applying conditionally

Responsive variants

The 'container' class also includes responsive variants like 'md:container' by default; these variants let you make something behave like a container at only a certain breakpoint and beyond.

<!-- Full-width fluid until the `md` breakpoint, then lock to container -->
        <div class="md:container md:mx-auto">
        <!-- ... -->


Centering by default

One can set the ‘center’ value to ‘true’ in the ‘theme.container’ section of the config file order to keep the container in the center.

// tailwind.config.js
        module.exports = {
        theme: {
          container: {
              center: true,

Adding horizontal padding

‘padding’ option in the ‘theme.container’ section of your config file helps you put default horizontal padding.

// tailwind.config.js
        module.exports = {
        theme: {
          container: {
              padding: '2rem',

If you want to specify a different padding amount for each breakpoint, use an object to provide a 'default' value and any breakpoint-specific overrides:

// tailwind.config.js
        module.exports = {
        theme: {
          container: {
              padding: {
                  DEFAULT: '1rem',
                  sm: '2rem',
                  lg: '4rem',
                  xl: '5rem',
                  '2xl': '6rem',