Tailwind CSS Product Review

Pagedone presents a variety of stylish rating and review section designs tailored for showcasing on websites. These designs provide an appealing presentation of product ratings and reviews that build trust in potential buyers and encourage them to make their decision-making process positive. A good rating and review section inspires user confidence, encouraging them to purchase the product.

Review page with filters review page

This style lets you check reviews based on user’s preference.

Review page with summary chart

It shows average review and rating score and shows user comments.

Tailwind CSS Product Review with avatars

Simple review page which contains user avatar/ profile photo, comments, review score, star rating and date posted.

Review page with testimonial

This example can be used to show average ratings with testimonial slider.


Ratings and feedback with slider

In This product review component you can show ratings, feedback and reviews in slider with two CTA buttons and pagination.


Product reviews with submit form

Use this example to show an overview of all ratings. It also show a list of detailed user reviews and a form where you can submit a review.


Review form with detailed user review

Use Below customer review tailwind example where you can show a list of reviews with star rating and comments and also show customer review form to submit review.


Review in Masonry structure

This example is a fresh and modern approach to show user feedback in a Masonry way in grid where each review occupies its unique space.


Product review with carousel

Use below example to show detailed review of user with star rating in a carousel format with average rating in a progress bar.


Customer Reviews with average rating

Use this example to show average rating of user using progress bar on one side and customer feedback on other side with creative user icons.


User Review with images

Use below example to show detailed customer feedback with original images of product and review form to submit.


Customer feedback with product image

Use following example to show customer feedback with rating icons, progress bar and also show product image below rating details.


product review with rating icons

Use following example to show icons such as like, comment that is used inside customer feedback.


Recent Feedback with add Review

Use this example to show a review form where customer can add review and also you can display latest reviews beside form.


Customer review with cards

This example can be use to show customer reviews in a card format with some details and CTA buttons.


User Review with star rating

You can use this product review component to show user review using star icons and display details, user profile and rating inside grid.


Product review with slider

Use following product review Tailwind css example where you can show slider of customer reviews with CTS buttons and some information of review.
