Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart

Select from a range of Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart Designs offered by Pagedone, ensuring a seamless display of all added products with their quantities and prices. These designs also include a summary showcasing the total amount. A well-crafted shopping cart design is crucial, as it enhances the final step of the purchase process and the overall shopping experience for your customers.

Single column shopping cart page

This page shows product image/images of one or multiple products in the cart, title, description, price and lets you select number of units and CTA button of checkout.

Multiple column shopping cart page

This grid style shopping cart designed in Tailwind CSS lets you see different items in different grids viz. products, unit numbers, unit price and total price in respective grids.

Two column cart with summary

As the name suggests this Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart style lets you keep two columns one shows product and the another column shows product details.

Checkout page with cart, summary and payment option

This style lets user see cart with payment options and order summary all in the single page.


Shopping cart with remove button option

This Tailwind Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to give delete or remove product button using which user can remove selected product/ products from the cart.


Two column shopping cart with sticky position

This Tailwind Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to two columns with sticky position.


Two column shopping cart with order summary

As the name suggests this Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart style lets you keep two columns one shows product details and the another column shows order summary with button.


Two columns shopping cart with background color

This Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to two columns with background color one shows billing address with payment method and the another column shows your order details with delivery charge, total amount.


Shopping Cart with summary

This Tailwind Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to three cards, order summary with background color and CTA button.


Two column shopping cart with tab content

This Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to two columns which one shows tab content with details and the another column shows background color with payment details.


Shopping cart with radio button

This Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to two columns which one shows payment method with radio button and the another column shows summary with background color.


Shopping cart with receive order details

This Tailwind CSS Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to Summary and receive your order full details.


Shopping cart with remove button

This Tailwind Shopping Cart example can be used when you want to delete option and apply discount button.


Three columns shopping cart with card details

This Tailwind Shopping Cart component can be used when you want to three columns with shopping details, address details and card details.


Shopping cart with Payment Info

This tailwind CSS shopping cart layout used when you want to payment info with radio button and service details.
