Tailwind CSS CTA Sections

Pagedone offers a range of Tailwind CSS call-to-action (CTA) section designs to present compelling content—usually in the form of buttons or links—that prompts users to take specific actions. These expertly crafted CTA section designs are ideal for enhancing your website or landing page, significantly boosting conversation rates, and engaging your audience effectively.

CTA with gradient background

This Tailwind CTA Section can be used when one wants to show gradient background around CTA card.

CTA page with mobile application download

On mobile application landing page two CTA buttons of google play store and apple App Store can be displayed which can encourage users to download the application. This CTA Section will have application screen and description of the application.

CTA for email sign up

This Tailwind CSS CTA encourages users to sign up for email newsletter, it will have subscribe now button as CTA.

CTA with feature list

This Tailwind CSS CTA section can have different CTA buttons and on the left side of the page it will list of the features of the product or the service.


CTA with email sign up and image

This Tailwind CTA Section carries different relevant images with CTA button on the other side of the page.


CTA buttons with heading

Most simplest page with CTA buttons with simple background and heading.


CTA with two cards

Here, one can show two different options and two CTA which cater to two different set of users.


Subscribe form with image

Use this tailwind css cta in which subscribe button can be kept as CTA and on the right side of the page relevant image can be displayed.


CTA with centrally aligned subscribe button

Tailwind CSS CTA Section with simple heading the page asks users to add their email with subscribe button.


CTA buttons with centrally aligned features list

Keep heading, features, description and other CTA buttons all placed centrally aligned


CTA with form and description

As the name suggests this page contains heading with description and email form beside heading and description.


CTA as box layout

In a box typed layout of tailwind cta will have details like heading, description, email text box and subscribe button as CTA all kept centrally aligned.


CTA with newsletter background

When you wish to keep background outside of CTA box this example can be used.


CTA with illustration and newsletter

Beautiful illustration can be showcased alongside newsletter form and subscribe button as CTA.


CTA section with mobile application

This page displays mock up of the mobile application inside the frame and two buttons of play store and App Store which encourage users to try the application.


CTA section with ratings

When you want to show ratings in your CTA section with email form.


Subscribe form with svg icon

Use this example if you want to add svg icon of mail with subscribe form to let your user connect with your website.


CTA with feature list and image

List out all the features in two columns by keeping an image on the right side of the page and two CTA buttons in the bottom.


CTA buttons with split image

Ideally such pages will have CTA buttons on one side of the page and an image on the other half.


Mobile application mockup with CTA buttons

Nice way to display mobile application screen with title and one line description and two CTA buttons of play store and App Store.


CTA buttons only

No app view, no headings, no description, this page will only have CTA buttons as shown in the following Tailwind CSS CTA example.


CTA section with background image

In this page one can place image in full screen and CTA button can be place in front.
