Tailwind CSS Forms
Use the Tailwind CSS form and input elements such as checkboxes, radios, textarea, text inputs to collect information from users with pagedone.

Get started with these custom Tailwind CSS form components to gather information from your users using input text elements, checkboxes, radios, textareas, selects, file uploads, toggle switches, and more.
Default Login Form
This is an example of a form component including an email, password, checkbox, and Sign in button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Username <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="" required="">
<div class="flex items-center my-4">
<input id="checkbox-default" type="checkbox" value="" class="w-5 h-5 appearance-none border border-gray-300 rounded-md mr-2 hover:border-indigo-500 hover:bg-indigo-100 checked:bg-no-repeat checked:bg-center checked:border-indigo-500 checked:bg-indigo-100">
<label for="checkbox-default" class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-600">Remember me</label>
<button class="w-52 h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6 mb-6">Sign in</button>
Login Form with forgot password
This is a tailwind forms examples including an email, password, forgot password and log in button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="" class="">
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
<svg width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class=" stroke-current ml-1">
<path d="M1.87651 3.83325L6.79885 7.07932C8.55702 8.13423 9.43612 8.66169 10.402 8.6387C11.3678 8.61572 12.2208 8.04705 13.9268 6.90971L18.1232 3.83325M8.33317 14.6666H11.6665C14.8092 14.6666 16.3805 14.6666 17.3569 13.6903C18.3332 12.714 18.3332 11.1426 18.3332 7.99992C18.3332 4.85722 18.3332 3.28587 17.3569 2.30956C16.3805 1.33325 14.8092 1.33325 11.6665 1.33325H8.33317C5.19047 1.33325 3.61913 1.33325 2.64281 2.30956C1.6665 3.28587 1.6665 4.85722 1.6665 7.99992C1.6665 11.1426 1.6665 12.714 2.64281 13.6903C3.61913 14.6666 5.19047 14.6666 8.33317 14.6666Z" stroke="" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-12 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="name@pagedone.com">
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-2">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
<svg class="stroke-current ml-1" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 448 512">
<path d="M144 144v48H304V144c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80zM80 192V144C80 64.5 144.5 0 224 0s144 64.5 144 144v48h16c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64V448c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64H64c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64V256c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64H80z" stroke="" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-12 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="password">
<a href="javascript:;" class="text-indigo-600 text-base font-medium leading-6">Forgot password?</a>
<div class="flex mt-7 mb-5">
<button class="w-full h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-900 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">LOGIN</button>
<div class="flex w-full items-center space-x-4 mt-10 mb-10">
<div class="flex-1 border-b border-gray-200"></div>
<span class="flex items-center justify-center text-gray-400 text-lg font-normal leading-7 px-5">OR</span>
<div class="flex-1 border-b border-gray-200"></div>
<p class="text-gray-900 text-center text-base font-medium leading-6 mb-3">Login with social media</p>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center gap-x-3">
<a href="javascript:;" class="relative w-9 h-9 rounded-full transition-all duration-500 flex justify-center items-center bg-gray-700 hover:bg-indigo-600">
<svg class="w-[1rem] h-[1rem] text-white" viewBox="0 0 8 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M7.04111 7.81204L7.41156 5.46043H5.1296V3.93188C5.1296 3.28886 5.44818 2.66054 6.46692 2.66054H7.51899V0.657999C6.90631 0.560385 6.28723 0.507577 5.66675 0.5C3.78857 0.5 2.56239 1.62804 2.56239 3.66733V5.46043H0.480469V7.81204H2.56239V13.5H5.1296V7.81204H7.04111Z" fill="currentColor" />
<a href="javascript:;" class="w-9 h-9 rounded-full bg-gray-700 flex justify-center items-center hover:bg-indigo-600">
<svg class="w-[1.125rem] h-[0.875rem] text-white" viewBox="0 0 14 12" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M13.5106 1.87152C13.0907 2.05225 12.6492 2.1781 12.1971 2.24596C12.4084 2.20973 12.7195 1.82924 12.8433 1.67524C13.0314 1.44293 13.1747 1.17774 13.266 0.893133C13.266 0.871995 13.2872 0.841798 13.266 0.826699C13.2554 0.820885 13.2435 0.817838 13.2313 0.817838C13.2192 0.817838 13.2072 0.820885 13.1966 0.826699C12.7056 1.09256 12.1831 1.29547 11.6414 1.43064C11.6226 1.43641 11.6025 1.43693 11.5833 1.43214C11.5642 1.42735 11.5467 1.41744 11.5327 1.40346C11.4906 1.35325 11.4452 1.30585 11.3968 1.26154C11.1759 1.06358 10.9252 0.90156 10.654 0.781404C10.2879 0.631197 9.8924 0.566145 9.49745 0.591162C9.11422 0.615364 8.74008 0.718152 8.39827 0.893133C8.06169 1.07761 7.76587 1.32824 7.5286 1.62994C7.27902 1.94047 7.09883 2.30085 7.00015 2.68684C6.91878 3.05399 6.90955 3.43346 6.97297 3.80413C6.97297 3.86754 6.97297 3.8766 6.91862 3.86754C4.76557 3.55048 2.99904 2.78649 1.55562 1.14679C1.4922 1.07432 1.45899 1.07432 1.40765 1.14679C0.779553 2.10102 1.08454 3.61087 1.86967 4.35674C1.97536 4.45639 2.08407 4.55302 2.19882 4.64361C1.83884 4.61805 1.48766 4.5205 1.16608 4.35674C1.10568 4.31748 1.07246 4.33862 1.06945 4.41109C1.06088 4.51157 1.06088 4.61259 1.06945 4.71306C1.13245 5.19458 1.32222 5.65073 1.61933 6.03486C1.91645 6.41899 2.31026 6.71731 2.76048 6.89933C2.87023 6.94634 2.9846 6.98176 3.10171 7.00502C2.76846 7.07063 2.42667 7.08083 2.09011 7.03522C2.01763 7.02012 1.99046 7.05938 2.01763 7.12883C2.46153 8.33671 3.42482 8.70512 4.13143 8.91046C4.22806 8.92555 4.32469 8.92556 4.4334 8.94971C4.4334 8.94971 4.4334 8.94971 4.41528 8.96783C4.20692 9.34831 3.36442 9.60499 2.9779 9.73786C2.2724 9.99127 1.5202 10.0881 0.773514 10.0217C0.655745 10.0036 0.628568 10.0066 0.598371 10.0217C0.568174 10.0368 0.598371 10.07 0.631588 10.1002C0.782573 10.1999 0.933558 10.2874 1.09058 10.372C1.55805 10.627 2.05225 10.8295 2.5642 10.9759C5.2155 11.7067 8.19897 11.1692 10.189 9.19129C11.7532 7.63916 12.3028 5.49819 12.3028 3.35419C12.3028 3.27266 12.4024 3.22435 12.4598 3.18207C12.8555 2.87373 13.2044 2.50958 13.4955 2.10102C13.546 2.04011 13.5718 1.96257 13.568 1.8836C13.568 1.8383 13.568 1.84736 13.5106 1.87152Z" fill="currentColor" />
<a href="javascript:;" class="w-9 h-9 rounded-full bg-gray-700 flex justify-center items-center hover:bg-indigo-600">
<svg class="w-[1.25rem] h-[1.125rem] text-white" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M4.70975 7.93663C4.70975 6.65824 5.76102 5.62163 7.0582 5.62163C8.35537 5.62163 9.40721 6.65824 9.40721 7.93663C9.40721 9.21502 8.35537 10.2516 7.0582 10.2516C5.76102 10.2516 4.70975 9.21502 4.70975 7.93663ZM3.43991 7.93663C3.43991 9.90608 5.05982 11.5025 7.0582 11.5025C9.05658 11.5025 10.6765 9.90608 10.6765 7.93663C10.6765 5.96719 9.05658 4.37074 7.0582 4.37074C5.05982 4.37074 3.43991 5.96719 3.43991 7.93663ZM9.97414 4.22935C9.97408 4.39417 10.0236 4.55531 10.1165 4.69239C10.2093 4.82946 10.3413 4.93633 10.4958 4.99946C10.6503 5.06259 10.8203 5.07916 10.9844 5.04707C11.1484 5.01498 11.2991 4.93568 11.4174 4.81918C11.5357 4.70268 11.6163 4.55423 11.649 4.39259C11.6817 4.23095 11.665 4.06339 11.6011 3.91109C11.5371 3.7588 11.4288 3.6286 11.2898 3.53698C11.1508 3.44536 10.9873 3.39642 10.8201 3.39635H10.8197C10.5955 3.39646 10.3806 3.48424 10.222 3.64043C10.0635 3.79661 9.97434 4.00843 9.97414 4.22935ZM4.21142 13.5892C3.52442 13.5584 3.15101 13.4456 2.90286 13.3504C2.57387 13.2241 2.33914 13.0738 2.09235 12.8309C1.84555 12.588 1.69278 12.3569 1.56527 12.0327C1.46854 11.7882 1.3541 11.4201 1.32287 10.7431C1.28871 10.0111 1.28189 9.79119 1.28189 7.93669C1.28189 6.08219 1.28927 5.86291 1.32287 5.1303C1.35416 4.45324 1.46944 4.08585 1.56527 3.84069C1.69335 3.51647 1.84589 3.28513 2.09235 3.04191C2.3388 2.79869 2.57331 2.64813 2.90286 2.52247C3.1509 2.42713 3.52442 2.31435 4.21142 2.28358C4.95417 2.24991 5.17729 2.24319 7.0582 2.24319C8.9391 2.24319 9.16244 2.25047 9.90582 2.28358C10.5928 2.31441 10.9656 2.42802 11.2144 2.52247C11.5434 2.64813 11.7781 2.79902 12.0249 3.04191C12.2717 3.2848 12.4239 3.51647 12.552 3.84069C12.6487 4.08513 12.7631 4.45324 12.7944 5.1303C12.8285 5.86291 12.8354 6.08219 12.8354 7.93669C12.8354 9.79119 12.8285 10.0105 12.7944 10.7431C12.7631 11.4201 12.6481 11.7881 12.552 12.0327C12.4239 12.3569 12.2714 12.5882 12.0249 12.8309C11.7784 13.0736 11.5434 13.2241 11.2144 13.3504C10.9663 13.4457 10.5928 13.5585 9.90582 13.5892C9.16306 13.6229 8.93994 13.6296 7.0582 13.6296C5.17645 13.6296 4.95395 13.6229 4.21142 13.5892ZM4.15307 1.03424C3.40294 1.06791 2.89035 1.18513 2.4427 1.3568C1.9791 1.53408 1.58663 1.77191 1.19446 2.1578C0.802277 2.54369 0.56157 2.93108 0.381687 3.38797C0.207498 3.82941 0.0885535 4.3343 0.0543922 5.07358C0.0196672 5.81402 0.0117188 6.05074 0.0117188 7.93663C0.0117188 9.82252 0.0196672 10.0592 0.0543922 10.7997C0.0885535 11.539 0.207498 12.0439 0.381687 12.4853C0.56157 12.9419 0.802334 13.3297 1.19446 13.7155C1.58658 14.1012 1.9791 14.3387 2.4427 14.5165C2.89119 14.6881 3.40294 14.8054 4.15307 14.839C4.90479 14.8727 5.1446 14.8811 7.0582 14.8811C8.9718 14.8811 9.212 14.8732 9.96332 14.839C10.7135 14.8054 11.2258 14.6881 11.6737 14.5165C12.137 14.3387 12.5298 14.1014 12.9219 13.7155C13.3141 13.3296 13.5543 12.9419 13.7347 12.4853C13.9089 12.0439 14.0284 11.539 14.062 10.7997C14.0962 10.0587 14.1041 9.82252 14.1041 7.93663C14.1041 6.05074 14.0962 5.81402 14.062 5.07358C14.0278 4.33424 13.9089 3.82913 13.7347 3.38797C13.5543 2.93135 13.3135 2.5443 12.9219 2.1578C12.5304 1.7713 12.137 1.53408 11.6743 1.3568C11.2258 1.18513 10.7135 1.06735 9.96388 1.03424C9.21256 1.00058 8.97236 0.992188 7.05876 0.992188C5.14516 0.992188 4.90479 1.00002 4.15307 1.03424Z" fill="currentColor" />
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Default Signup Form
This is a tailwind forms plugin including full name, email, username, password, repeat password, and Sign up button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="" class="lg:p-16 p-6">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Full Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Name..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Email <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Email address..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Username <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Username..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="**********" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Repeat Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="**********" required="">
<button class="w-52 h-12 shadow-sm rounded-full bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 text-white text-base font-semibold leading-7">Sign Up</button>
Signup Form Design
This is an example of a form component including first name, last name, email, password, confirm password, and Sign up button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="" class="">
<div class="flex gap-x-6 mb-6">
<div class="w-full relative">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">First Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="" required="">
<div class="w-full relative">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Last Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Email Address <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
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<div class="flex gap-x-6 mb-6">
<div class="w-full relative">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
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<div class="w-full relative">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Confirm Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
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<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Phone Number <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
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<button class="w-52 h-12 shadow-sm rounded-full bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 text-white text-base font-semibold leading-7">Sign Up</button>
Default Registration Form
This is an example of a tailwind ui forms including an name, email, country, phone number, password, checkbox, and create account button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="" class="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
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<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Email <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
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<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Country <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
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<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-12 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="Enter Country">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Phone Number <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
<svg class="stroke-current ml-1" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M5.02623 10.2611L12.7387 17.9736C14.4091 19.6439 17.1173 19.6439 18.7877 17.9736C19.4559 17.3054 19.4559 16.2221 18.7877 15.554L16.6454 13.4116C16.1582 12.9244 15.3683 12.9244 14.8811 13.4116C14.3939 13.8988 13.604 13.8988 13.1168 13.4116L9.23534 9.53015C8.74814 9.04295 8.74814 8.25305 9.23534 7.76585C9.72253 7.27865 9.72253 6.48875 9.23534 6.00155L7.44584 4.21205C6.77768 3.5439 5.69439 3.5439 5.02623 4.21205C3.35584 5.88244 3.35584 8.59067 5.02623 10.2611Z" stroke="" stroke-width="1.6" />
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<div class="relative mb-2">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Password <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-6">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 pointer-events-none ">
<svg class="stroke-current ml-1" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M17 10H8M17 10V10C17.93 10 18.395 10 18.7765 10.1022C19.8117 10.3796 20.6204 11.1883 20.8978 12.2235C21 12.605 21 13.07 21 14C21 14.6667 21 15.3333 21 16C21 18.8284 21 20.2426 20.1213 21.1213C19.2426 22 17.8284 22 15 22C13.3333 22 11.6667 22 10 22C7.17157 22 5.75736 22 4.87868 21.1213C4 20.2426 4 18.8284 4 16C4 15.3333 4 14.6667 4 14C4 13.07 4 12.605 4.10222 12.2235C4.37962 11.1883 5.18827 10.3796 6.22354 10.1022C6.60504 10 7.07003 10 8 10V10M17 10V6.5C17 4.01472 14.9853 2 12.5 2C10.0147 2 8 4.01472 8 6.5V10M15 15.5C15 16.8807 13.8807 18 12.5 18C11.1193 18 10 16.8807 10 15.5C10 14.1193 11.1193 13 12.5 13C13.8807 13 15 14.1193 15 15.5Z" stroke="" stroke-width="1.5" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-12 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="Enter Password">
<div class="flex items-center mb-6">
<input id="checkbox-accept" type="checkbox" value="" class="w-5 h-5 appearance-none border border-gray-300 rounded-md mr-2 hover:border-indigo-500 hover:bg-indigo-100 checked:bg-no-repeat checked:bg-center checked:border-indigo-500 checked:bg-indigo-100">
<label for="checkbox-accept" class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-600">I accept <a href="javascript:void(0);" class=""> terms & conditions.</a>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
<button class="w-52 h-12 shadow-sm rounded-full bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 text-white text-base font-semibold leading-7">Create Account</button>
Input element with addon
Use this example to add a SVG icon or special character with an addon style to the input element.
<form action="" class="">
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-8">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center px-3 rounded-l-lg border-gray-300 pointer-events-none bg-gray-200">
<svg class="stroke-gray-500" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3 12C3 8.22876 3 6.34315 4.17157 5.17157C5.34315 4 7.22876 4 11 4H13C16.7712 4 18.6569 4 19.8284 5.17157C21 6.34315 21 8.22876 21 12C21 15.7712 21 17.6569 19.8284 18.8284C18.6569 20 16.7712 20 13 20H11C7.22876 20 5.34315 20 4.17157 18.8284C3 17.6569 3 15.7712 3 12Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.6" class="my-path"></path>
<path d="M3.54883 6.73307L7.76733 9.36198C9.82587 10.6448 10.8551 11.2863 11.9998 11.2861C13.1445 11.2859 14.1736 10.6441 16.2317 9.36063L20.461 6.72314" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.6" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="my-path"></path>
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-14 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-lg placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="Enter Email">
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-8">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center px-3 rounded-l-lg border-gray-300 border-l pointer-events-none bg-gray-200">
<svg class="stroke-gray-500" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M16 7C16 9.20914 14.2091 11 12 11C9.79086 11 8 9.20914 8 7C8 4.79086 9.79086 3 12 3C14.2091 3 16 4.79086 16 7Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.6" class="my-path"></path>
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<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-14 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-lg placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="Enter Name">
<div class="relative text-gray-500 focus-within:text-gray-900 mb-8">
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center px-3 rounded-l-lg border-gray-300 border-l pointer-events-none bg-gray-200">
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<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 pr-5 pl-14 py-2.5 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-lg placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none" placeholder="Enter Password">
<div class="flex items-center">
<button class="w-32 h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">Submit</button>
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Default Contact Us Form
This is an example of a contact us form designed in Tailwind CSS including a name, email, message, and send message button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Name" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Email <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="name@pagedone.com" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium">Message <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444"></path>
<div class="flex">
<div class="relative w-full">
<textarea class="block w-full h-40 px-4 py-2.5 text-base leading-7 font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-2xl placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none resize-none" placeholder="Write a message..."></textarea>
<button class="w-full h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">Send Message</button>
Contact Us Form Design
This is a tailwind css forms plugin including a name, email, phone number, city, topic, message, and send message button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="">
<div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1 gap-x-8">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Name..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Email Address..." required="">
<div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1 gap-x-8">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Phone Number..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="City , Country..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Tpoic..." required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<textarea type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-40 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 resize-none text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-2xl placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Your Message..." required=""></textarea>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
<button class="w-52 h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">Send Message</button>
Default get in touch Form
This is an example of a tailwind form component including a name, email, message, and send message button that you can use as a starting point for any form element. You can use this tailwind form templates in get in touch section of website.
<form action="">
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-6 mb-5">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Name" required="">
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Email Address" required="">
<textarea type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-40 px-5 py-2.5 bg-white leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-3xl placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none resize-none mb-5" placeholder="Message" required=""></textarea>
<div class="flex">
<button class="w-52 h-12 px-4 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">Send Message</button>
labels and checkbox with get in touch Form
This is an example of a form component including a first name, last name, email, phone number, message, checkbox and send message button that you can use as a starting point for any form element in your website using pagedone and Tailwind CSS.
<form action="">
<div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1 gap-x-8">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium"> First Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="First Name" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium"> Last Name <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="Last Name" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium"> Email <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444" />
<input type="text" id="default-search" class="block w-full h-11 px-5 py-2.5 leading-7 text-base font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-full placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none " placeholder="name@pagedone.com" required="">
<div class="relative mb-6">
<label class="flex items-center mb-2 text-gray-600 text-sm font-medium"> Message <svg width="7" height="7" class="ml-1" viewBox="0 0 7 7" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M3.11222 6.04545L3.20668 3.94744L1.43679 5.08594L0.894886 4.14134L2.77415 3.18182L0.894886 2.2223L1.43679 1.2777L3.20668 2.41619L3.11222 0.318182H4.19105L4.09659 2.41619L5.86648 1.2777L6.40838 2.2223L4.52912 3.18182L6.40838 4.14134L5.86648 5.08594L4.09659 3.94744L4.19105 6.04545H3.11222Z" fill="#EF4444"></path>
<div class="flex">
<div class="relative w-full">
<textarea class="block w-full h-40 px-4 py-2.5 text-base leading-7 font-normal shadow-xs text-gray-900 bg-transparent border border-gray-300 rounded-2xl placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none resize-none" placeholder="Write a message..."></textarea>
<div class="flex items-center my-6">
<input id="checkbox-policy" type="checkbox" value="" class="w-5 h-5 appearance-none border border-gray-300 rounded-md mr-2 hover:border-indigo-500 hover:bg-indigo-100 checked:bg-no-repeat checked:bg-center checked:border-indigo-500 checked:bg-indigo-100">
<label for="checkbox-policy" class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-600">You agree to our friendly <a href="javascript:;" class="underline underline-offset-4">privacy policy.</a>
<button class="w-52 h-12 bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-800 transition-all duration-700 rounded-full shadow-xs text-white text-base font-semibold leading-6">Send Message</button>
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