Figma List Group Components

List Group Components are versatile and effective elements for showcasing a sequence of content in list groupings. You can extend and modify them to accommodate almost any kind of material to display it in a list.

Figma List Group Components

List group components offer a flexible way to present sequences of content grouped together in list format. They can be adapted to display almost any type of content as part of a list-based information hierarchy. List groups establish clear relationships between pieces of related data or actions. Discrete chunks of content are bundled visually in a vertical stack.

The list group construct provides ample space for articulating details. Descriptions, metadata, and supplementary icons or avatars associated with each list item help build meaning.

Figma List Group Components image

List groups scale effortlessly to contain few or many informational items. Layouts refine to responsively fit different viewport widths. Custom styles tailor aesthetics for brand needs. In essence, list group components enable designers to construct purposeful, scannable displays of list-oriented material. Whether presenting menu options, feature lists, search results, or various collections, list groups structure information sequentially for comprehension.

Figma List Group Components image

Figma List Group Components

All components are available in tailwind css also, please check.

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