Figma Keyboard Keys(KBD) Components

KBD components are important components of a design system when you are building user interfaces that need hotkeys, keyboard shortcuts, or virtual keyboard layout representations.

Figma Keyboard Keys(KBD) Components

KBD components are valuable elements in a design system This is used when you want to use a hotkey or shortcut key in figma design systeam.

KBDs explicitly indicate when interface actions are triggered via keyboard keys rather than mouse/touch. For example, "Press Ctrl + S to save". KBD visuals illustrate physical or virtual keyboard configurations to users. This clarifies how to interact when keyboard input is primary.

Figma Keyboard Keys(KBD) Components image

Key uses cases include: Displaying hotkey combinations, Mapping game controller buttons, Virtual keyboard interfaces, Technical/spec documentation KBDs communicate keyboard-driven input clearly and directly. They integrate vital clues about available keyboard shortcuts. KBD components enhance usability for products relying on keyboard control.

Figma Keyboard Keys(KBD) Components image

Figma Keyboard Keys(KBD) Components

All components are available in tailwind css also, please check.

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