Figma Button Group Components

Figma Button group Components are buttons into compact clusters, conserving space and prioritizing actions efficiently. They also serve as tab navigators and selector interfaces for toggling options. Button group components allow designers to design complex yet flexible interfaces that adapt buttons effectively for any context.

Figma Button Group Components

The button group component can be customized by selecting a size like small, medium or large and specifying the number of buttons to display. To customize an individual button, double-click the specific button item within the group. This allows editing that button's text, icon, style, etc. Buttons are not nested instances to avoid cluttering the right panel which could be confusing.

Figma Button Group Components image

The adjustable sizing plus ability to fine-tune individual buttons provides flexibility. You can control overall button group layout as well as tweak individual buttons as needed. This makes it fast to create and iterate on button groups with aligned visual styles. The components empower easy organization and management of complex button clusters in an efficient way.

Figma Button Group Properties

The button group component allows you to configure the number of buttons to display within the group. You can set the quantity to range from 2 buttons up to 5 buttons in a single group. This provides flexibility to craft button groups optimized for different use cases and interfaces.

2 buttons for simple choices like Yes/No, 3 buttons for common trios like Cancel/Save/Confirm, 4 buttons for directional pads or more robust options, 5 buttons for presenting many choices together.

Figma Button Group Properties image

Being able to specify the number of buttons ensures you can build appropriate button groups for your specific needs. Interfaces with limited horizontal space may warrant 2-3 buttons. More complex workflows can merit 4 or 5 button groups.

Pre-configuring the buttons in a joined group keeps the related options organized visually. Users can scan and understand the choices more easily.

Also you can select button group size

Figma Button Group Properties image
Figma Button Group Components image

Figma Button Group Components

All components are available in tailwind css also, please check.

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