Tailwind CSS About Us Section

Pagedone offers a range of beautifully designed Tailwind about us sections to showcase your organization's journey and company history based on multiple layouts.

About us section with number counter

Use this example to show information about your company's history and journey of your organization ny showcasing images, number counters, paragraph and CTA.

Side by side about us tailwind

This example can be used to showcase about us with heading, paragraph, stats, CTA on one side and display images on other side.

Basic about us section tailwind

Use following example to show simple yet modern design of about us section which includes heading, paragraph and picture.

Full heighted about us tailwind component

This example can be used to also show a heading, paragraph and CTA next to a full heighted image based on a responsive grid layout.


Splitted about us tailwind template

Use this example to show a images alongside organization details with CTA Button.


Tailwind About us section with video layout

Use following example to show video layout inside about section along with heading, paragraph and stat counts.


About us component tailwind with stats

This example shows a short description alongside image and stat counts.


Vertical about us tailwind

Use below example to show short description about your company and key statistics such as sucessful project, years of experience, trusted employess, reviews etc.


About us tailwind with feature list

This example can be used to show your company details, heading and list of key feature about organization journey alongside grid of images.


About us with Alternate image

Use this example if you want to alternate an image and description next to each other and improve the visual attractiveness of the page.


Image with feature list

This example can be used if you also want to show a visual image and a feature list item side by side.


About us with descriptive card

Use below example to show heading and key statistics along with images and description card.


Creative About us with key feature list

Use following example for a modern about section which shows images alongside key feature list and heading.


About us tailwind with Vertical image

Use below example of About us component tailwind to show images in a vertical layout beside short description.


Tailwind about us with image grid

Use following example to show short description above grid of images.
