Maintenance Page

This Tailwind CSS Maintenance Pages to show your users that you are working on an important updates and the website is not accessible.

Default maintenance page

Use this example to let your users know that your site is currently under maintenance using heading, countdown, illustration and notification form.

Maintenance page with logo

Use this example to show your logo alongside the maintenance notice heading, paragraph and illustration.


Maintenance page with countdown

This tailwind css maintenance example can be used to show countdown, heading, paragraph and email input togather.


Maintenance page with social links

Below example can be used to show under maintenance heading, paragraph and social media links.


Tailwind maintenance page with illustration

Use this example to show creative illustration on under maintenance page alongside heading and paragraph.


Splitted under maintenance page

Use this example to also show a visually impactful illustration when notifying your users that your website is being updated with social links.
