Coming Soon Pages

The Coming Soon Tailwind template is carefully designed with attention to detail. It contains lots of features while keeping its stylish, minimal look. The Coming Soon site template is designed to catch attention and inform visitors of what you are up to. This allows visitors to subscribe to your mailing list so that you can notify them about the launch.

Basic Coming Soon page

This example of the Tailwind Coming Soon page can be used in dark mode. It shows a countdown timer and a call-to-action form where users could enter an email to sign up for the waitlist.

Splitted coming soon page

Use the following example, where you can show the description, CTA form, social icons, and countdown timer side by side.


Circular countdown coming soon page

The following example of tailwind CSS coming soon page shows nicely crafted content in a circular progressbar style with a gradient background.


Tailwind is coming soon with a gradient background.

This example shows a heading, countdown timer, and CTA form with social icons on a gradient background.


Dark tailwinds are coming soon.

Use the following example to show a basic description with social icons and a call-to-action form. This example is specially designed for the dark mode theme.


Tailwind is coming soon.

This example can be used to show only a countdown timer with a notification form and social icons on a beautiful background image.
