Career Pages

Career pages designed in Tailwind CSS offered by pagedone made using Tailwind CSS let visitors know about current openings, career and job vacancies available with the company with different department.

Career list and card with hover effect

This sample may be used to create lists and card layouts using grid structures. It displays three cards in a row with a hover effect, each with an icon, a title, a description, and a submit button.

Career page with creative image layout & carousel slider

You can use this example if you also want to show a heading, description next to a list of Open Positions and employees story with slider.


Career page with description, feature list icons & horizontal stats

You can use this example if you also want to show a heading, description and CTA buttons next to a list of feature list items with an icon, title, and description. And also use for horizontal layout of stats with stats counts, heading and description.


Career page with three column blog, image & feature list with hover

This example may be used to display a career page with three columns headline, an image, a description, and a call to action buttons in a single row  as well as an inventive hover-effect grid feature list.
