Order History with Simple Details
Use this default order history example to show history of user's previous orders.
Order History List with Invoice
Order History List with Invoice is a feature-rich and visually appealing tool designed to provide users with a detailed overview of their past transactions.
Order History Table
The Order History Tailwind CSS is a clean and organized representation of a user's past orders.
Order History Invoice Table
This example of tailwind css order history shows invoice table of previous order's of customer.
Order History with Card Layout
Use this Order history tailwind component to add card layout.
Order History with CTA Button
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with a CTA button to view the order details.
Order History with date range and sort
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with a date range and sort option.
Order History with Detail
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with a CTA button to view the order details.
Order History with Date Range and Status
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with a date range and status option and CTA Button.
Order History in Card Layout
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders in card layout with a order number, order date, delivery date and address detail to view the order details.
order history invoice with card layout
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders in card layout with a order number, order date, delivery date and address detail to view the order detail. You can show CTA button to download invoice.
order history with pagination
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with pagination and CTA button to view the order details.
Order History with attribute
This example of order history shows a list of previous orders with attribute such as color, size, price and CTA button to view the order details. You can show actions to perform on product like delete or move to wishlist.
Order History with status and CTA Button
This example of order history shows a list of past orders with status and CTA button to view the order details.
Order History with Sorting
This example of order history shows a list of past orders with sorting option to view past week orders, past month orders etc and you can view invoice and view orders.
Order History with Banner
This example of order history shows a list of past orders with banner and CTA buttons with icons to view the order details.
order history table with date picker
Use this example of order history to show history of user's previous orders according to selected date.