Tailwind CSS Comments Sections

A Tailwind CSS Comment Section is a feature in Tailwind CSS that allows customers to write descriptive comments directly in their own words. This is a collection of comment blocks coded using Tailwind CSS to show a list of comments for blog and news which includes replys, likes, reactions and input field to write comments.

Comments with Replies

Use this minimal Tailwind Comment Section to show all comments of user or customer with reactions and replies.

Basic comments list with like and CTA Button

Use following comment section example to show list of comments with like button and CTA button to edit or delete comment.

Comments section with form

This example of Tailwind CSS Comments shows form field to post comments and also display a list of all older comments with like, share and delete buttons.

Nested comment section

Use following example of comment block to show a list of multi level comments and form field to post a comment and display filter to show recent comments.


Simple Comment block

Use this simple comment block to show a list of comments with like and share buttons.


Tailwind CSS Comment list with Form

Use following example of comment block with form field to post comment with reactions and show list of comments below it.


Comment block with text editor

This example of Tailwind Comment block shows list of comments with gradient CTA Buttons and additionally it display text editor where cusotmer post a comment and change styles of text.


Comment section with reply field

Use following example of Tailwind CSS Comment Box to show a input field inside comment perticular comment area to post reply on older comments.


Tailwind comment list with user images

Use following example of comment block to show a list of comments with user images and like, share and reply buttons.


comment list with text editor

This exmaple of Tailwind Comment Section show a comment list and text editor to change style of comment text.


Comment Form tailwind

Use following example of Tailwind Comment Box to show comment form with all required field and CTA button below comment list.
