Tailwind CSS Forms

Tailwind CSS forms consist of various form elements such as input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, textareas, and text inputs,selects, file uploads, toggle switches and more styled using the Tailwind CSS framework. These components are designed to efficiently collect user information while maintaining a consistent and modern appearance.

Application layout with file upload

This Tailwind Form example shows all required input fields with skill badges and file upload area where you can upload or drag files.

Order Billing Form

Use following tailwind css form to get basic billing information from customers.

Account information form

This tailwind ui form shows how to create an account by adding information fields like name, email, password, phone number, address, etc.

Basic tailwind ui form

Use following basic form example built in Tailwind CSS to get required information from user.


Tailwind Form with progress bar

This tailwind css form example shows how to add a progress bar to show the progress of the form submission process.


Billing Information Form with card info

This tailwind ui form example shows how to add billing information and card information to make a payment.


Edit Profile Form

Use Following edit profile form built in Tailwind CSS to edit important details to make your profile more precise.


Registration form

This tailwind css form example shows how to create a registration form with all required fields like name, email, password, phone number, DOB, etc. You can use this example in a dark mode.


Request Form tailwind css

This tailwind ui form example shows how to create a request form to request quotation for business with all required fields like name, email, phone number, message and file upload.


Tailwind Login Form with CTA

This tailwind form example shows how to create a basic login form with profile image, user name, password and CTA Buttons for login using social platform.


Contact From tailwind

This tailwind ui form to show a basic contact form with required field such as name, email, phone, message and CTA Buttons for a form submission.


Simple Contact From

Use following contact form to show basic field such as name, email, phone, message and CTA Buttons for form submission.


Custom Review Tailwind CSS From

This tailwind ui form example shows custom review forms with email field, rating with emojis and put a question with badges.


Invoice From Tailwind

Use following invoice tailwind css form plugin to show Billing information with total of payment and CTA to send invoice.


Booking From

Following example of booking form shows all booking details in a fields such as name, email, phone, file upload, select date of travelling and also payment details like card name, card number, cvv etc.


Verification From Tailwind CSS

Use following Verification form example which shows student and parents details in columns with CTA Button for form submission.


Feedback From

This example of Feedback Form shows emojis to give ratings of products or service and textarea to write feedback manually.


Basic Feedback form

Use following feedback form exmaple to give ratings through textarea where you can write feedback or by giving star rating.


Registration From

Use following Full Registration Form to show personal details, contact details, profile details and address details with CTA Button for form submission
